Thursday, October 18, 2012

The ever-changing, always-growing book list

Ok, here's the beginning of a list of "want to reads":

When you run across a book that looks interesting, add it to the comments below. Help us keep our list growing, so that we always have books to choose from. 

What's on your reading list?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Looking forward...

One of the biggest questions that I’ve asked myself as I’ve read… “How does an introvert like me do this?” I’m not very comfortable around strangers and I suck at small talk. I’m just not convinced that I’m cut out for all this. After reading about Jen’s experience befriending and ministering to the homeless population, I got caught up in that one response to the “Feed my sheep” command.

Although one part of me has been pondering and considering big life changes, the other part has really been concerned that I’m mentally/physically/spiritually/financially prepared for that right now. Our conversations on Sunday afternoon reminded me of something I already knew but seemed to have lost sight of… there are many different ways to interact with God, and what works for one person might not work for someone else. To quote something I read lately, "If you're not called to Africa, don't go to Africa!"

Jen stresses the fact that this book is not a how-to manual. It’s the story of her journey. And, because each one of us brings different perspectives, experiences, and skill-sets to the table, it’s no wonder that our discernment destinations will be different as well.

The challenge is… “How do I use these gifts that I, Jana, have been given?” There might be additional ways that I can exert myself... using new techniques, in new places, reaching new people. But, there also may be ways that I can do what I'm already doing, but better. Our group even mentioned that marriage and childrearing can be a ministry in itself. Not to mention, being there for other women when they're overwhelmed and stressed.

And, just to confirm my little epiphany, I happened upon a couple of bloggers who seem to have reached a similar conclusion:


What does "missional living" look like in your life?